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3 Easy Ways to Grow your Network

Welcome back to the third installment of our November blog series: Networking in November. True to fashion, we’re focusing on more networking tips that will help you, your co-workers, and your business. You may not think too often of your network or your inner circle, but you should. While important when focusing on interpersonal relations such as friendships and family, your professional network is oftentimes just as important, when it comes to those connections you have, past or present. While your current network is most likely a great starting point, it’s always wise to consider growing your network and expanding those connections to promote growth, and to meet new thought leaders and professional moguls.

What is a Network?

If you’re new to the business world or never make a point to focus on your network, you may be wondering “what exactly is a network and why is it so important?” If so, that’s okay! It never hurts to ask questions and learn more about a topic that you don’t exactly know much about.

Let’s first tackle the first question: “what exactly is a network?” If you’re unsure of the terms of a ‘network’, The Balance Careers puts a great definition to the term. They say that “a professional network is a group of people who have connected with one another for career or business-related reasons. Members, who are called contacts or connections, can share information which may include, but is not limited to, job leads. They may also help one another solve work-related problems, recommend vendors and suppliers, and provide information about prospective employers, employees, and clients.” When you enter the business world, your network tends to start small and as you grow through the ranks, your network should grow with you. People you meet in certain settings whether it be professionally or personally are apart of a unique network. For example, your current co-workers are apart of your professional network. Groups such as sports teams, clubs, musical groups, etc. are all personal networking connections.

The next and equally important question is “why is my network so important?” Now that you know what your network is, it’s important to note the significance that your network holds and why you should care. Check out this quote from TopResume: “Experts agree that the most connected people are often the most successful. When you invest in your relationships — professional and personal — it can pay you back in dividends throughout the course of your career. Networking will help you develop and improve your skill set, stay on top of the latest trends in your industry, keep a pulse on the job market, meet prospective mentors, partners, and clients, and gain access to the necessary resources that will foster your career development.” Let’s take a look at 3 Easy Ways to Grow your Network!

3 Easy Ways to Grow your Network

  • LinkedIn- If you’re in the professional world and haven’t heard of, or haven’t created a LinkedIn account - you’re missing out. This is the #1 most popular, accessible, and user friendly way to make those key connections with people that you do know and with people that you don’t too. On LinkedIn, you can connect with old coworkers, current co-workers, and even those friends and family that we mentioned earlier. Check out a quote from our previous blog titled “The Do’s and Don’ts of LinkedIn”: If you haven’t noticed, LinkedIn is a hot spot for networking and connecting with those business professionals that you would love to have in your circle. Make it a point to connect with those old co-workers or that awesome boss from 2007-- your past employers should eagerly welcome you into their network. This is also a great chance to add that successful Uncle on your Mom’s side who makes 7 figures and has a successful business--he would look great on your connections list!” Basically, when it comes to LinkedIn, there are a thousand and one ways to really grow your network. If you’re looking for a great way to really establish or grow your network, start here.

  • Attend Networking Events- This may feel odd, especially in a digital age, but going out, in person, and attending events in your area is an AWESOME way to make lasting connections and grow your network. Not only is meeting someone face-to-face 10 times better than meeting online, it’s also a great way to get to know other business professionals in your area. Use this way if your business is local, family-owned, or if you simply just want to see other businesses men and women in a controlled environment conducive to networking. Not sure where to find a networking event? Google it! Seriously, so many local networking events in your area that you probably just aren’t aware of. Sites like Eventbrite are great for scouting local events if you don’t know where to start.

  • Maintain Relationships and Make New Ones- This step is more like a quick word of advice. Once you make a connection and add to your network, whether it be in person or on LinkedIn, keep up with it. Just like any relationship, you have to breathe life into it for it to stay afloat. Making the initial connection is great but if you aren’t engaging and being a valuable connection, the possibility of that relationship going anywhere worth while for you or for the other person for that matter, dwindles every single day. We’re not saying you have to message this person every single day, but something as simple as interacting on LinkedIn or calling every once in awhile to check in is a huge way to keep those connections relevant. On the flip side of the same coin, as much as it’s important to nurture current relationships, it’s just as important to make new ones. Your network becomes stagnant and stale and you stop becoming relevant and you never grow--it’s as simple as that.

    We want to hear from you! What are more ways to grow your network? Let us know.