Workplace Resolutions You Should Make This New Year

With the New Year just days away, it’s time to make all of those resolutions - whether or not you actually change...that’s on you. Luckily, there are multiple facets of your life that could use a resolution or two, especially your work-life! Whether it’s a resolution to be more productive, be more positive, or just be a more helpful co-worker - there are plenty of ways you can improve in the new year. So, check out our list of Workplace Resolutions You Should Make This Year!

  • Don’t Gossip- This is a resolution you should implement into your life in the office and out of the office too. Gossiping is toxic and tears a team apart. Especially if you’re in a smaller company - gossiping does nothing but set stark divisions between teams, co-workers, departments, etc. Remember when your mother used to say “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all?” was right, as usual. Don’t speak poorly about your co-workers, superiors, or inferiors. We understand that not everyone gets along but keep the distaste to yourself and work together as a team this year.

  • Be Useful- Being a useful co-worker is a win-win for both you and your co-workers. Being a useful team member doesn’t have a guide or steps you have to take, it’s really all about consideration and how you can best use your position, title, or duties in such a way that can help or positively impact those around you. Even if you think you’re an outstanding team member, it’s important to see where you lack too, if not to benefit others then to humble yourself. Basically, no matter your position or title, there are simple ways that you can improve the ways in which you are useful...Does this sound familiar? If so, it’s because we pulled it from our previous blog: 10 Ways You Can Be a Useful Team Member-- read more on that here!

  • Lend a Helping Hand- Depending on your position, it's very possible that you may run out of work. It happens, especially if you're a speedy worker. If you get to the end of the week and you're at the end of your to-do list, ask a co-worker how you can help - especially those on your team. You could also make it a point to ask your manager if there's anything he or she may need help with before the beginning/end of a quarter. Basically, this is a nice way of saying: make yourself useful. We have a whole blog on how to be a useful co-worker here.

  • Have a Sense of Humor- Having a sense of humor is something everyone should learn. When you’re in a professional environment, you’re thrown into a building with tons of people of differing backgrounds, opinions, views, and lifestyles and you have to be able to work together and not take things too seriously. Don’t sweat the small stuff - laugh it off (when appropriate of course) and have a sense of humor. Everyone should laugh at work every once and awhile. Don’t be the office Scrooge...

  • Take Constructive Criticism- Whether you’re a high level employee or someone at the bottom of the totem pole, allowing a space for feedback is huge. Feedback gives others a voice that they may not have otherwise and is extremely considerate. If you don’t want sixty different opinions, consider a survey so that way there is room for feedback, but it’s controlled feedback and you can warrant the responses you’re looking for. It’s important too, when you’re asking for feedback that you welcome honesty. It’s fine to want controlled feedback but just make sure it allows for honesty and a space where others feel as though they can respond with how they feel or think without repercussions. There’s nothing worse than asking for feedback and leaving no room for honesty. You don’t want your employees or those you manage to be fearful to speak up.

  • Turn Negativity into Positivity- You know that one “Debby-Downer”...we all do. Don’t be that person! Negativity is not conducive to a productive working environment and it only brings others down into your miserable company. How are you supposed to be productive if you’re feeling down, negative, miserable, and beaten? You aren’t. Complaining won’t get you me. Try to remain positive, boost others, and just keep things into perspective. Another great quote from our Useful Blog- “None of it is worth it if you’re a negative coworker. That does nothing to encourage, critique, or listen - it simply makes you a dark cloud that looms about the office, wanting to be avoided. Try to be optimistic and come to work with a good attitude everyday and you’ll certainly be a more approachable and useful team member.”

  • Try Not to Waste Time- We're distracted all day long by technology and not even the technology we're supposed to be using. Yes, personal things come up and you may need to take a call here and there but ultimately, put the phone down. Instagram, Facebook, and your dating profile can wait until 5 p.m. What is meant as a 5-minute break can easily turn into 30-minutes. Lock it in your desk, turn on 'do not disturb', or at the very least, put it on silent. You'd be surprised how much more you're able to focus when you're not logging into Instagram 15 times a day.

    Do you have New Years Resolutions? Let us know so we can hold you accountable. ;)