The 3 P’s of a Successful "Work From Home" Strategy
We’ve said it before and we will continue to say it again: we are totally in uncharted territory lately with the dawn and continued spread of the Coronavirus or COVID-19. With that being said, there is a ton that is being tested right now including rampant remote work. Many professionals who have worked in-office for decades are not navigating working from home with kids screaming, spouses nagging or working too, and emails racking up by the minute. It’s certainly an adjustment to say the least.
Where you once were able to work within the 4-walls of your office with privacy you are now working from kitchens, bedrooms, living rooms...or maybe a bathroom or two - we don’t judge! Whether or not you feel as though you’re successful in your WFH (work from home) life, we wanted to share what we believe to be the 3 P’s of a Successful WFH Strategy…
Obviously, aside from your work-life, your personal life is the first facet to feel the change of pace and office. Now that you’re working from home, the odds that your children (if you have any) are home too is high. How do I become the most efficient version of my once corporate self with my 3-year old screaming in my ear for 9 hours? It’s a genuine concern and something many parents are facing. Listen, working from home with your kids isn’t entirely bad, right? You can have lunches together, spend a bit of time with them and don’t have to deal with commuting - it’s a bit of a relief in some ways for sure.
If you find yourself in this position, it’s time to face the facts that your day is going to be bombarded multiple times and you have to expect that your daily routine and plan is going to change...hourly...potentially more. Do not expect to work at a normal capacity as you would at the office. It’s unreasonable. Additionally, your child probably has to do online schooling too. You have to set a routine. A schedule. A plan. Something to get you or your child on task. And, give you some time and the space to work too. Also be aware that screens may have to be used to keep kids at bay...It’s not ideal, but it’s a convenient tool to get you back to work!
Whether or not you have children and the Personal aspect applies to you - you’re all professionals...Hopefully...Anyways, there are a few key things you should be doing to get in a groove and be the best work-from-home employee your company has ever seen. It starts when you wake up. Don’t sleep in and roll right out of bed. Whenever we all return to the office, it’s important to keep your sleep schedule intact. Go to bed as normal, wake up as normal, go get your Starbucks as normal...Do all of the things that you would normally do.
Designate a place to work. Whether you have a home office or a private room -something has to be that space for you to go to every morning. Mark your territory - Claim your space. And, attempt to time block and schedule your day. From 8-10 you’ll make calls. From 10-12 you’ll do administrative work. 12-1 - lunch. Etc. By doing this you’re keeping with a schedule and also keeping yourself accountable. It can be so easy to flip on the TV or scroll through your phone all day - Don’t. Keep yourself accountable.
When you work from home, a lot...if not all..of your processes change. All meetings are on Zoom, you’re speaking to your boss in his PJs….Yes, it’s happening. You can’t get a hold of Dan in HR because he’s offline, etc. The list goes on and on and it can wear you down so quickly if you don’t keep yourself in check.
When you work from home you have to be extra cognizant of yourself, your space, your time, and your team. Be prompt in responses. Be clear in emails. Be professional and on-time to calls. It’s all incredibly important as a professional but also a human that you take into consideration the situation and how it is or could be affecting your team. Be aware, be vigilant, and stick to traditional, corporate processes to ensure a professional environment translates in a time of telecommunications. Aside from working in your home office, your manner and ways in which you dictate your day should not change either...Keep that in mind!
What has been your biggest takeaway? Struggle? Success? Let us know - we want to hear about your WFH experience.