How to Approach Mass Hiring

When you start the hiring process as a hiring manager, you have some sort of expectation in your mind about who you want to hire, how many applicants you should have, and when you would like the position filled. It’s natural. However, these expectations aren’t always met because life gets in the way. Funny how that happens...Anyway, if you get through all of the nitty gritty of the hiring process and are prepared to actually hire someone (or multiple people at once aka “mass hiring”) it’s important to be prepared for the benefit of both you and those looking to work with you.

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Why is January the Best Month to Start the Hiring Process?

Well, the New Year is in full swing and everything is kicking off - it’s crazy, honestly. Now that people are slowly beginning to return from vacation and the office noise level is slightly louder than it was this time last week, it’s time to consider the hiring process! Woohoo. If you remember a few months back, we shared a blog all about the best and worst times to hire, well, now that it’s January, it’s officially one of the BEST times of the entire year to start the hiring process. While we’re sure you’ve heard this often, you probably wonder why? Why is January such a great time to start the hiring process? Check it out. 

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How to Stay Competitive in a Saturated Job Market

Happy New Year! Wow, 2019 is officially a thing of the past. Time is flying by and with the new year comes one of the most popular times to hire. This January, we’re kicking off the New Year with a brand new blog series titled “New Year, New Decade, New Trends.” We are so excited to share brand new content with you as we enter 2020 together. Today, we’re talking about staying competitive.

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Workplace Resolutions You Should Make This New Year

With the New Year just days away, it’s time to make all of those resolutions - whether or not you actually change...that’s on you. Luckily, there are multiple facets of your life that could use a resolution or two, especially your work-life! Whether it’s a resolution to be more productive, be more positive, or just be a more helpful co-worker - there are plenty of ways you can improve in the new year. So, check out our list of Workplace Resolutions You Should Make This Year! 

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2019 Marketing Trends We Loved

As 2019 comes to a close in just a few short days, let’s reflect back on Marketing Trends we loved this past year. Oftentimes marketing is misunderstood and thought of as the team that makes the “pretty pictures” or “wordsmiths” everything - when that is simply not the case. Marketing is a lead generator just as much as sales with less emphasis on instant gratification and a focus more on planting seeds and patience. Marketing’s efforts often go unnoticed as they deal with the “back end” of things a lot and are a gradual process...basically, marketing efforts don’t happen overnight. Just like with anything, marketing deals with ever-changing trends. What’s hot in marketing 6 months ago, may be dated today. So, let’s dive in shall we?

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5 Effective Ways to Elevate Your Sales Pitch

As you learn and grow as a sales person, your pitch will change depending on your market, product, company, and sales approach. It will also change with the sales trends too -  what may have been an awesome sales pitch back in the ‘90s will definitely not perform as well as a pitch a sales person may give today. So, today we’re going to dive in to what a sales pitch is and 5 effective ways that you can boost your current pitch or prepare to write another pitch! 

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The Toxicity of a Hyper-Competitive Work Environment

So, we really need to talk about workplace competition. It’s an epidemic that seems to plague offices rather than benefit them. From losing the “big picture” to only working for yourself vs. the company as a whole - competition within the workplace has gotten a bit out of hand. This time, we’re taking a stance against an overly competitive work environment due to the toxic behavior, mentality, and unethical effects it has on employees and the company as a whole. 

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The Best HR Trends of 2019

2019 is almost over - crazy right? In less than two weeks we’ll toast to a brand new year of trends, failures, successes, and experiences. It’s an incredibly exciting fresh slate, new chapter, clean sweep...tabula rasa, if you will. With the new year, we say “goodbye” to old trends and “hello” to brand new ones. As week number three of our December series: Best of 2019, we’re taking a look back at the Best HR Trends of 2019! We’re also including a few trends to keep an eye on into the new year. We hope you’ll enjoy!

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Top 15 HR Influencers to Follow

If you read and enjoyed our Top 20 Business Influencer blog, then you’ll love this one! To start the week we’re bringing you the Top 15 HR Influencers you should be following! Whether you’re in HR or looking to grow your business, these wise influencers bring tons of knowledge, experience, and a great outlook on the world of HR. Give them a follow!

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The Do's and Don'ts of Recruiting

Recruiting is a crucial part of the job search for many and with staffing companies booming right now, it’s important as a recruiter to really make it count. Your decisions, words, tone, and delivery can make or break a job for a hiring manager or candidate. It’s important to consider your role in the hiring process and take every detail of your job seriously! Check out our list of Do’s and Don'ts in Recruiting and let us know if you have any other honorable mentions.

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Should Small to Mid-size Businesses Hire Externally?

Small to mid-size businesses are rampant across the nation with startups emerging on every corner. This is great for the market, great for job boards, and great for those looking to leave their Fortune 500 company with 10,000 employees for a more intimate work environment. As these small to midsize businesses grow, they’re faced with the question of whether or not they should hire within for new positions or externally.

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